Review: Railed by the Reaper – A Folklore Book with Strong World-Building but Lacking Romance

hi Gremlins and friends I have a folklore books review let’s get into it so I read railed by the Reaper and I’m gonna preface this by saying I don’t think this series is for me I like the author but something about the series just doesn’t connect with me I think specifically I actually really enjoy the world building and all of the interesting stuff involved in the magic system I just don’t think I really am entertained by the romantic aspect of it like in this one it sounds so cool he is the reaper which is just made of bone but can make um like blue sort of corporeal parts of himself so that he can interact with her she is a human well half she’s a demigod that soul part of him she stole his finger and wears it as like a bracelet to stay alive and it sounds so cool I just I didn’t care much about the romance in this one or pretty much any of the rest of the series and I’m sad about it because I should I also just like I’m so excited about learning about all this like world building so like the god pools and how that works all that deals with the gods the way that the system changes as the gods growing change but like the romance just doesn’t hit for me I don’t know you’d think that me sitting here reading about a reaper who literally bones this woman would be right up my alley but it’s just it just doesn’t and I’m so sad about it