Unexpected Encounter: A Flirtatious Exchange at a College Cafeteria

Is this seat taken? No. Okay. Hi. Hi. What’s your name? Sabrina. Sabrina, I’m Eric. Nice to meet you. I’m not gonna lie. Do you know why I sat here? Cause I think you’re really cute. Oh yeah? You do? No way. Well, take it as a compliment. Yeah. Do you think she’s single? She’s cute too, right? Watch. Watch this. I’m gonna try to. Where did you get those shoes at? Those are fire. Oh, thank you. Yeah, like, honestly, I. I like Reebok. I used to wear them a lot as a little kid. Yeah. Does that. Does this not happen a lot? Guys approaching you? Actually, it happened yesterday. Really? But like, he came and shook my hands. Oh really? What a weirdo. But anyways, uh, do you know why I’m here? I’m here to get your number cause I find you adorable. Yeah? Yeah. Are you. What’s your ethnic background? You look, like, foreign. Um, I’m Italian. You’re Italian? Okay. Do you speak Italian? Yeah. No. No. Okay. I was about to speak to you in Italian. No. Italian. Yeah. I was gonna say double espresso. It’s a. Where do you. Where do you get that in Italian? My shoes? No, the smile. Beautiful. Is it cool if I grab your number? I got this new phone, so like, don’t make fun of me cause I lost my iPhone in the ocean in the Mediterranean. Is this a joke? No. You wanna call yourself. It’s my new Phone. This is such a joke. No, call yourself. I want your number. For real? I, I find you adorable. Oh, did you mess up my phone? You’re from New Jersey? Yeah. Wait, how do you know that? Because the area code. Hello, future girlfriend. Did it. Is it ringing? Damn it. I do have to go to class though. Alright, me too. Well, anyways, I have your number, so I’ll text you so we can, uh, follow. Alright? Alright, love you. Bye.