Unleashing the Power of the Holy Spirit: Walking in Authority, Faith, and Purpose

I just wanted to get on here and say that I feel like a lot of Christians forget that we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us. We have the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in us, where we are given authority to cast demons out of people, heal people, and we don’t step into that. We go to church. We listen to sermons. We know and have knowledge of the Bible stories and we believe in, we believe, but we don’t actually walk in authority. We don’t actually have that kind of faith. And I just can’t imagine how much healing and restoration and just goodness could come through that if people actually stood in that authority and rebuke the lives of the enemy and capture those thoughts and resisted temptation and just proactively lived out the gospel, proactively. Just loved on people and not throw condemnation or judgment on people and meet them where they’re at, plant the seeds and pray for god to water them.

I can’t imagine what that must look like. But I have faith and I believe that god is doing so many great things through his people at this time. And there’s so much refining happening. And I see, it makes me so happy just to see how much joy and peace and there’s, even in my own personal life, like I’m just in love with who God is. That’s all.

Now, for people who don’t know about faith or have never encountered faith. I felt the Lord whisper to me, Ephesians, and so I’m going to go to Ephesians 1:11 and read that. In him we have also received an inheritance because we were predestined according to the plan of the one who works out everything in agreement with the purpose of his will, so that we who already put our hope in Christ might bring praise to his glory. In him you were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. When you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed the Holy Spirit is the down payment of our inheritance. And for me to just sit here and think that with the amount of joy and peace and the feeling of contentment I have in my life, knowing that I have the Holy Spirit to know that is just a down payment of what the kingdom of god looks like.

Is unimaginable. Is absolutely unimaginable. The type of wholeness that we are going to experience in the kingdom of god. And a lot of people can’t wait to get to heaven. They can’t wait to be taken home. And the thing is that you can experience the kingdom of heaven on earth. We don’t need to be so in a hurry and so rushed for that when we are in a season. Now in Ecclesiastes talks about the seasons and how there’s a time for everything, and we have to remind ourselves daily, die to ourselves daily and remind ourselves that right now we are here for a purpose. The breath in your lungs you took in this morning means that God has a purpose for you still here on Earth. So I encourage anyone watching this at that God’s not done with you, 1, if you’re watching this. And 2, seek first the kingdom of god and all these things will be added unto. You’re not behind. Don’t hurry. Don’t rush. You are right exactly where God wants to seek him. Bring everything before him and he will direct your pass in all your ways. Acknowledge him. He will direct your mass. Love you guys.