Unconditional Love: Reflecting on First John 4:19

today’s verse is one of my absolute favorites and it’s one that I go back to often and it comes out of the book of first John chapter 4 verse 19 and it says we love because he first loved us we all need a why in our lives and as I was out on my morning run I was thinking about why I run who I’m running for why do the things that I do in this life it brought me back to this verse and it made me think of why we love the way that we love and this verse tells us we love because God first loved us that is why we have the ability to even love cause we were created from love God loved you before you were even created it’s an unfailing unconditional love that lasts an eternity and that’s what Jesus Christ gives each and every one of us and through Jesus when we allow him and the Holy Spirit into our hearts we can love the way that he loves us I don’t know what you’re going through today but I know that God loves you unconditionally and that he’s with you every step of the way and that he created you from love and that we love because he first loved us and I encourage you to think about your why why you do things why you love and meditate on this verse pray on it talk to God about it on why we are able to love because he first loved us and if you haven’t got the chance yet today tell the people around you in your life that you love that you love them share this with a few friends if you enjoy this verse I hope you guys have a great rest of your day and I’ll see you tomorrow