Values, Equality, and Societal Change: A Critical Analysis

And I wouldn’t say that I’ve fully developed views on this, but to me, what it is, is, is sort of a value system to replace the fact that they’re all fundamentally atheist or agnostic. They have no real value system. Their only value system is achieve in a very conventional way. And so the idea that somehow they’re pursuing racial or gender equity is like the value system that gives their life meaning. Well, of course, they all find that that value system leads to misery, leads to unhappiness. And so I, I, I think that what happens is, like, whenever you really pursue something, right? Like, let’s say a doctor gives you a medicine to cure a disease and it doesn’t work, right? Um, the patient gets worse. Well, you can conclude one of two things. Either the medicine isn’t working, or the patient was so sick that what they need is even more of the medicine that you originally prescribed. And I think the gender inequality stuff is like, we need more of the medicine. Okay, clearly this value set has made me a miserable person who can’t have kids because I already, you know, passed the biological period when it was possible. And I live in a 12 square foot apartment in New York, and I pay $5,000 a month for it. But I’m really better than these other people. What I’m gonna do is project my, like, racial and gender sensitivities on the rest of them. the reason that our society is broken is because these people don’t think the exact way that I think. Even though the way that I think has made me a miserable person, I just need to make more people think like that. So we’re gonna teach this in our schools, in our universities, even in our elementary schools. Because once everybody agrees with me, then everything will finally come full circle, and, uh, we’ll have a happy, healthy society.