Exploring Potential Brexit Solutions: Perspectives from Labour Party Members

Inside Labour, in the parliamentary party, they’d. They’d like to see more than ankle being shown. They’d like to see a little bit more. I think there is a lot that can be done, and I think there is willingness on both sides. I’ll be interested what sort of concrete, um, proposals actually develop or come out from it. But again, inside Labour, in the parliamentary party, they’d like to see more than ankle being shown. They’d like to see a little bit more. Because they feel that, you know, the government’s in a strongish position, um, that anything that unlocks smoother trade, that perhaps. No, not freedom of movement, but a youth mobility scheme, perhaps. Ease of travel. You know, we’ve got these visas coming in, uh, in the autumn that you’ll have to get to travel as a third country into the E. Anything that might soften any of those, why not go for it? Um, on higher education, the Erasmus scheme, these sorts of issues are certainly being taught. Yeah, but all those things, all those things will take ages. Yes, because they take ages, because the EU has to get its ducks in a row in terms of what it wants to negotiate. And that’s why I’m a little bit skeptical. Yeah.