Title: Is Dating Natural for Humans? Exploring the Concept of Dating in Human Relationships

do you think humans are supposed to be dating each other do you think dating is natural for humans and I mean that in the most sincere genuine question so you can answer this in a stitch or down in the comment section dating is it natural the words I’m using are intentional do you believe dating is natural for human beings now I’m gonna say no my answer is no you don’t ever see monkeys dating you don’t see grass dating you don’t see giraffes dating you don’t see any single cell organism date there is nothing else in existence that dates meaning they bounce around from thing to thing or being to being with hopes of deciding based off of the attributes and characteristics and principles and morals of that thing that it presented itself is it going to stay with it forever only humans developed that process and dating even in the human experience is not working it’s not working widely here in the United States in any country you get on any social media in any country that they allow dating not every country allows dating there’s arranged marriages in several countries but in in the countries that allow dating get on their social media you’ll see people complaining oh there’s no good men there’s no good women it’s not just us that has this issue so let me know what you think about it do you think dating is natural for humans or not