Defining Success in the Authoring World: A Journey of Milestones

how do you define being a success so in the authoring world there’s so many different ways that you could define that just writing a book like how many people say they’re gonna write a book and how many people actually do is it getting a traditional publishing deal or just seeing the book published holding a physical copy of your book is it selling your book finding readers who you know you don’t know in real life like an actual stranger find your book and read your book is it when you get mail like emails or I’ve actually gotten physical letters like is that success is it getting reviews is it hitting bestseller list is it you know getting the orange flag in Amazon or hitting something like the USA Today bestseller list is it selling a certain amount of copies is it making an income like is it making X amount of money I’ll tell you what I think if this happened to me I think I could maybe finally say I’m a successful author now mind you I’ve been doing this for over 11 years my 21st book is about to come out and I don’t– I hesitate to say that I’m successful cause I don’t feel like I am but if I ever got fan art if somebody actually like drew pictures of my characters then maybe I could say I made it