5 Trustworthy Resources for Natural Pet Care: From Books to Websites to Documentaries

you’ve got questions about your pet’s food but you don’t know where to turn try this as a pet parent who wants nothing but the best for your furry family you’ve likely gone down a few rabbit holes in Google so let me share 5 different resources that are trustworthy for your pet Rodney Habib’s website Planet Paws full of amazing resources on natural pet care and he’s a fellow Canadian Dr. Karen Becker one of the world’s most renowned holistic veterinarians with literally the most followers in the world is always sharing natural pet care for your animals Rodney and Dr. Becker also wrote two of the best books for any dog parent out there Dogs First by the brilliant Dr. Connor Brady his site is full of different training resources for you as a pet parent he also wrote the book Feeding Dogs which is like a manual for how we should be feeding our dogs before I give you our last favourite resource if you’re ever in a pinch we do offer phone consultations so if you’re not in Regina and you can’t get to our store you can always book your own individual phone consultation one of our favorite resources that we actually use with our team to train them is a movie if you’re not interested in reading called Pet Fooled Pet Fooled is an eye opening documentary for any pet parent and if you haven’t watched it yet be sure you do