Life Lesson Gems from Watch Enthusiasts and Entrepreneurs

Excuse me, kind sir. Hey, I love that. Richard Mill. I’m Ziv, the watch guy. I love. I love that Rolex as well. Is that the presidential? Can you guys share with our viewers what you do for a living? What do you do for a living? I’m Wes Watson. Everybody knows who I am. What’s your name? Wes Watson. Wes Watson. Okay, awesome. Sure, sure, sure. What advice do you have for people just starting out? Oh, that’s stunning. The gold prep. Whoa, that tear. Sorry, sorry. Pause that there. Do you know who I was with today? I have no idea. Everybody knows who Wes was. Everybody. Everybody knows who I am. Can you guys share what, what’s the best advice you could give people just starting out? Want to become successful like you. Personal development first and foremost. Okay. Develop you as your best version of yourself, first and foremost. Uh huh. And then learn from a top entrepreneur and what you want to sell. I love it. And how about you? What advice do you have for people just starting out? Marry Rich. Haha, thank you guys so much for sharing. Marry Rich. Who am I? She never usually wear watches. Oh my God. But today I was like, maybe this guy. Okay, seriously, you just made my day. I, I really, really love where she’s holding it as well. The bag, the whole arm is like, hey, what? No. What? This little thing? Look at The arm, bro. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great day. Bye. Bye. Bye.