Signs of a Good Doctor: Embracing Continuous Learning and Preparation in Medicine

this doctor had to look up how to do a procedure before they perform and it just so happens that the patient caught it on camera I want you guys to know this is a sign of a good doctor and you know what neurosurgeons do the same thing in neurosurgery we have a database called the Neurosurgical Atlas it’s basically a database of several different types of brain surgery almost like an encyclopedia and so a lot of surgeons will look up how to do certain things in brain surgery before carrying out that particular case especially if it’s a rare type of procedure but I’m telling you you want your doctor to do that because they are studying how to do the procedure before they do it and that is the sign of a doctor who wants to have good outcomes so yes while it might be a little nerve wracking to see your doctor looking up how to do a procedure you have to remember that they’re reading it as an educated individual who is trying to learn more about the procedure before doing it so they can have the best chances of success last thing you want is you want to have a doctor that is over confident who is under prepared trying to fumble their way through a critical procedure