Unlocking Your Shredded Potential: A 3-Point Checklist for Effective Dieting

Tristan, why can’t I get shredded? I’m going to give you the perfect 3 point checklist to make your dieting phase far easier than you ever thought it could be with the right food selection. One, volume of food. Eating larger portions of foods can help you feel fuller without overeating. For example, swapping out rice for a big serving of sweet potatoes, which have a lot of volume so you can eat more and feel even more satisfied. Two, nutrient density. This means choosing the foods that provide a lot of vitamins and minerals relative to their calorie content. A lack of nutrient density can lead to a large decrease in energy. And although we like to think of ourselves as animals with endless willpower, lower levels of energy and motivation leave us more susceptible to overeating. Improving the nutrient density in your diet can lead to improved sleep and in turn benefit your body composition, recovery, training performance and hunger perception throughout the day. Instead of eating nutrient void protein sources or lower quality protein sources, eat things like beef liver or even just normal red meat. You’ll get more nutrients and feel even better. To keep your calories in check, 3, low calories. Make sure you’re still enjoying your food, but swap out high calorie drinks, sauces, seasonings and dressings for lower calorie options that still taste amazing. These swaps allow you to enjoy the flavors you love without piling on the extra calories. It’s about making Smart swaps and finding what works best for you. Keep it simple and stay consistent. And remember, digestion is key. So make sure that the swaps that you’re making keep your body flowing and functioning at 100%.