A Comprehensive Guide to College Essentials: What’s in My Bag for Year 12

Hey guys, if you’re starting college or sick form in September, this is all the stuff that I think you should and shouldn’t buy that you’re gonna need. So this is kind of gonna be what’s in my bag towards end of year 12. What I think is important and what’s not important. Okay, so you’ve probably seen everywhere that you’re gonna need a day folder. However, I actually think you need a day folder for each subject because one is not gonna be enough. So this is what I started the year with because I saw everyone say that you just need one little folder to fit your stuff in to transport like your stuff to and from college and then like violent voters at home. But I do not think that’s gonna fit enough. This is now what I have. I only take all three of those in. If I have all three subjects, which is only once a week, but I do require a folder for each subject. And this isn’t just like an end of year 12 thing. Like I’ve been having this since like October, November now. And I know everyone else has one for each subject as well. It’s literally just like the only way you’re gonna fit everything, especially if your collogistic form is less digital, like minors. Again, this kind of depends on your collision sick form, whether it’s all online on ipads and like laptops, or whether it’s all on paper, which I think I’m gonna make a whole another video about that. But a notebook, either way, you’re gonna need a notebook. But especially if your college is like mine and there’s literally everything on paper, you’re gonna need so many of these. Obviously just by one at a time, but always this is gonna have to be on you. The way my college works is you’re just assumed that you’re just going to make your own notes, have you’d like on the paper and file it into the folders again, however you like. So making sure you actually have all of this prepared is really important. And I realize very quickly that I need some paper that I can tear out and is a good quality pencil.

Case wise, mine is very different to what it was in secondary school. Looks a bit messy now cuz it’s end of time, but a lot, like a lot of the time throughout college, I literally had two pens, one highlighter and a purple pen, which is what my college is for marking.

Honestly, you don’t need to buy loads of stationery for college a lot of the time, you’re not really going to be using it, especially depending what subjects you take. I usually take a calculator for psychology as well, but I’ve never really had to use a ruler, a pencil, a rubber. Obviously if you’re gonna do like maths and sciences and stuff like that, you will. But especially if you’re just taking essay subjects, do not pack a lot of equipment in a massive pencil case. You probably just need a little small see through one like this. You can take into exams. And then I’m gonna make a more detailed video about this, about like laptops versus ipads or neither. But at the moment, some days to college I take my laptop and I think it’s really important to also have a laptop case if you do have a laptop top and you’re planning to take it in that I got mine for Amazon, but yeah, I take this in at the moment when the libraries are really busy and I can’t use a computer. So yeah, but I don’t use mine in lessons because that’s not how my college works.

But I’m gonna make a whole another video about ipads and laptops and all of that. This one’s a bit random, but just a little extra. I actually really recommend getting a card holder for college. I know a lot of people who have these who never had them in Year 11, including myself. Obviously, you’re more likely to have a provisional in college, like a provisional license or a driving license, your bus pass, which obviously I know you could just keep other places, but especially when you have a lot in your college bag, maybe you’re not always wearing a coat. I think it’s really important to have them all in one place, especially like your bus pass. I actually stop my bus pass into my lanyards, but I know not everyone can do that. So I think a card holder is really important for that. But it’s not a crazy thing. That’s just a little extra idea. Yeah, I hope this helps you all prepare for what you’re gonna buy for college. You don’t need loads. I honestly think the best thing to do is to buy these simple stuff and kind of see when you get to college what you actually need. But yeah, that helped.