QB Chronicles: A Decade of Playcalling and Strategy

What’s the 2017, 2018, 2019 QB book? I basically kept every call sheet, scouting report from every game that I played by season in real time. So 2016 QB book. QB book is 2016 season. This was the first game of the year. I was actually suspended for that game, the Arizona. You wonder why I picked 2016. My first game back at Cleveland, which happens to be my first game as a broadcaster. These were notes that I did based on plays I wanna run. This is our final call sheet. There was about 95. And then Josh always hit plays in here from Bill, cause Bill always wanted it never like a high play count. So Bill would always like, Josh would asterisk plays. Um. And 95, then he put. And then there was the back of the call sheet. So we probably end up having 150 place. It’s just good to keep track of all the information rather than throw it in a big bin and you don’t know where it is. I think for here, it’s all organized really well. And I think if I want to refer back to players or scheme or defense coordinators, you know, it’s all here, basically the guys still in the league. I’ll do the same thing as the broadcaster. I’m gonna store information going into the season. I’ll be involved in football for a long time. So is that so, what? Eventually we’re gonna have 2,001 to 2,040? Tom Brady, that be sick. Yeah. That’s a lot of years in the NFL.