Title: Critiquing Gemini Live Conversations and Pixel’s Add Me Photo Feature

Google showed us how Gemini Live lets users have these free flowing conversations with the chat bot to give advice and I need tech companies to stop giving us computer voices that fake being alive. “Hi there, I’m doing well thanks for asking. It’s always nice to hear from someone.” Maybe some people need a fake friend but I want an assistant that gets to the point. There’s just something cringey about a computer putting in filler words or telling me how it feels. I also was turned off by a new Gemini photo trick on Pixel phones. It’s called Add Me where you can take a photo then add another person into that photo later after the first one was taken. So it’s an easy way to fake that someone wasn’t there in the moment. Of course Photoshop always exists, but this makes it so much easier to just harass people. What if that person who jumps in later makes a crude gesture? Or kids could use it to bully in school to create situations that never actually happened. No thanks, it’s hard enough to know what to trust online as it is.