Exciting Announcement: New Record Pre-Order Bundles Available Now!

Hi guys. It’s Alex Johnson. I am so excited to finally be sharing with you that I have been working on a new record. I’ve been writing and writing and it is ready to be recorded. I’m gonna be recording it at Freedom Recording with Nick Bullock in Nashville. Um, I’m so excited about these songs. So my announcement today is um, I’ve put together some pre order bundles at shop Alex dot com where you can pick a bundle of your liking. Um, you’re gonna get the pre orders are gonna get the, the songs first, the album first. Um, there’s exclusive merchandise I’m gonna be offering including a limited pressing vinyl with its own artwork and um, and all that good stuff. So check it out. Um, it’s never easy promoting yourself. It never gets easier. But as an indie artist, this is what, this is how it works. So, um, if you like my music and you wanna be the first to hear this new record, go pre order a bundle today. Thank you so much for um, supporting indie music and for um, just allowing me the space to be able to continue doing what I’m doing. I’m so blessed and grateful that I have the chance to, to do this. So thank you so much. Um, if you have any questions, just shoot them my way shopalice. Com. Check it out. Okay, more to come. Mwah! Bye.