Seasoned Sounds: A Musical Gumbo Pot of Toby Keith, Michael Jackson, and J. Cole

And you know what? Speaking of seasoning, you got a little bit of Toby Keith, Michael Jackson, J. Cole. J. Cole, brother. You can hear all of that in your beat, man. I love what all three of those names you brought in. From the pride of Toby Keith’s voice, R I P. To a legend. I mean, R I P. To Michael Jackson, from being king of pop and J. Cole. Just the lyricism of things. And I feel like, you know, the gift of the tongue is something we should use a little bit better. And I’ve got a lot better. As I’ve matured myself. And to making my sound sound like me so universally, I know what I’m gonna be giving back to other people is I’m imitate Don Lewis in the future. What a great thing to want to emulate inside of your music. Cause all those names you brought up were just amazing. But what’s that process like, mixing it all together and then coming up with a finished product? Oh, it’s what a gumbo pot you get to put in, right? There’s just so much. When you finally get to hear it, and you gotta be. You can’t be a yes man to yourself. You can’t just go putting stuff in there and be like, yeah, cut that, that sounds great. I went for something that rhythmically sounded good if I slowed it down, which I did for my country eventually. How can I Get everybody moving and grooving. And also be like this. This boy, this brother right here.