Exploring AI Trends: Following Creators, Podcasts & TikTok – Who to Follow and What to Know

I’m on my morning walk and I’m really curious who do you guys follow for your AI trends like who are the creators that you’re listening to what podcast are you listening to I listen to a ton of podcast every week but they’re all like really nerdy white guys in Silicon Valley and I’m just curious what are the girls doing what are the boys doing on TikTok are there people that I just haven’t discovered yet go ahead and tag them and if not what is it that you guys wanna know because after my last post about chat GPT and building my own GPT prompt a lot of you guys reached out about how to do that in a longer video so I’m just trying to see if I can just direct you guys to other people it’s really important that you guys know how to use these tools because if you don’t know how to use them somebody else will they’re gonna be 10 times faster doing their job and that’s gonna cost you later on in life