DIY Dorm Decor with a Twist: Personalized Pantone Postcards and Room Makeover

I’m the overconsumption final boss, so let’s transfer my dorm from this to this for free! Hey, I’m Jackie! Welcome to part one of my new series, dorm to die, where I’m showing affordable DIY dorm decor for broke college students. I want to patch up this empty area and fill it up with Pantone postcards, but with a twist. Picked out three colours that I wanted on my wall and opened up Canva to format everything. But instead of adding the actual colour head on the postcard, I replaced it with names of my favourite poems instead to personalise it a bit. Plus I’m crazy. Once I finished designing everything, I printed it out and put on my wall with some removable mounting squares. Last year I made the mistake of using super strong adhesive on my wall and literally ripped a hole in my dorm. So this year I’m taking precautions. This is the finished product. I love it so much! And follow for part 2!