Transforming the Podcast Room into a Manly Cigar Lounge and Bar: A Dream Home Renovation Journey

Here we go. Last but not least, we got the podcast room. Not gonna lie, I kinda like how we’ve got it set up, but let’s see how much better it could have been. Maybe we go custom style on this one again. Let’s go a manly cigar lounge and bar. Manly cigar bar and lounge. Okay. Ooh, wow. I’m about to shed a tear. Oh my God. This is everything. Never dreamed of that. That is everything I’ve ever dreamed of to have in my house. If I had that in my house, you would not see me ever, ever. Did I say that? This app is my new best friend. Alright, I’m saving that. I’m calling the builders today. We’re getting started. I don’t care how much money it is, I’m doing that. There you go guys. If you wanna try this at home remodel AI app, but be warned, you’re gonna get hooked. You’re gonna be using this app every single day, everywhere.