Kentucky Agate: Rare Treasures from the Heart of the Appalachians

For all y’all that think that all we have in the Appalachian Mountains is cryptids, Moonshine, and bare feet, I’m here to tell you all that in my neck of the woods, we also have agate. And not just any kind of agate. One of the most rare types of agate in the whole world. And that’s because while most agate is formed in igneous rocks, Kentucky agate is one of the rare exceptions that is formed distinctly in sedimentary rocks. This agate is only found in the rural hills of Kentucky. You’re lucky enough to live right in the heart of where you can find it. Lots of people around here hunt agate for fun, while many others have made a career out of it. Like my boyfriend. Since these are one of the rarest and most prized American agates, some of the specimens can get quite pricey. I’ve known of him to have people travel from as far as Germany to come buy his rocks. I think it’s killer. It’s got a good band of purple in it. Yeah, they’re pretty. I think it’s easy to see why it’s widely considered Kentucky state gem. Cutting these is a daily occurrence in my house. Sometimes even multiple times.