Efficient Job Management with Tradify: A Tool to Boost Your Business

How are you? Hope you’re well. Hope you’re living life to its fullest. Now listen, thank you very much for watching this video. Will you do me another big favour? I don’t normally ask for favours, but I am gonna ask for one today. What I need you to do is go over to tradify. You can use their app which is on iOS or Android. Or you can go to their website which is tradifyhq.com and go and sign up to their 14 day free trial. What is tradify now? Tradify is a job management system aimed at everyone within the industry. Your builder, your plumber, your kitchen fitter, your electrician, your painting decorator, your landscape gardener. It’s aimed at everyone within the industry. And what it allows you to do, it helps run your job on a day to day basis more efficiently. Okay, so from quotes, invoicing, running them people that are got on that you got on the job, um, managing the jobs, everything from top to bottom, it will allow you to run your job more efficiently and it will save you time. And as we know, in the building game, time equals money. So therefore by using Tradify, you’re gonna earn more money really, ain’t you? Cause if it saves you time and time equals money, therefore you’re gonna earn money. Look at tradify like a big brother or sister or another pair of hands at work that you haven’t got to pay a Wage for 14 day free trial. Go and give it a go. If you don’t like it, what have you lost? You’ve done me a favour. At the end of the day, what have you lost though? You haven’t lost nothing really. A little bit of time that you could do whilst you’re on the toilet taking a No. 2. Download it there instead of scrolling through social media watching videos like this. I know it’s contradicting but still. Nonetheless, go and download it. It’s 14 day free trial. If you love it, which I’m sure you will, use code ball builders at the end and you get yourself 30% discount for 3 months. You’re doing me a favour. I’ve just done you a favour. You’re in my Christmas card list. Well, possibly. You’re definitely in my thoughts and prayers because that cost me nothing and it’s no time. I could just think about you and just say, everyone must download the tradify app and give it a go. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Yeah, you’re in my thoughts and prayers. If I do turn out to do a Christmas card list, I might send you one. But you’re certainly in my thoughts and prayers. Yeah, certainly. Yeah, why not? Right, trade a fight. Give me a go. Come on. Cheers. Appreciate you.