Strategic Haul for Big Savings: Dollar General Clearance Event Insider Tips

Hey, y’all, welcome back. It’s D, and we’re inside a Dollar General to get into my personal haul, where I’m gonna show you how to save big on your groceries, household essentials so you don’t have to pay full price. So let me know in the comments where y’all are from, what the weather’s like. I’m here in Georgia, and it feels a little good, but I’m sure it’s gonna be hot as I don’t know what later in the day. Don’t forget to like and don’t forget to subscribe. And moving forward, you’re never gonna pay full price. So here. So make sure y’all check out my video from yesterday, because remember, Dollar General is doing their clearance event, and I did share a nice 5 of a 25 deal you might wanna do to get you stocked up on the products you’re probably paying for anyway. Today I’m just gonna do my personal haul, but I am looking for some clearance items because I wanna get some overage. I’m gonna use them as filler items. So let’s see what we can find in store. Let’s take advantage of this awesome chip deal. My kids love these hot flaming puffs. So remember, like I said in my best deals video, make sure y’all check it out. But when you buy four, you have to buy four. Either the lays or Cheetos. They’re gonna be a dollar 95 each. And remember, I told y’all yesterday, you might have this 2 Off of 5 digital coupon. And you can actually mix them between, like, the chips and the Pepsi drinks, which also are on sale. Like, I’m the coupon right here. That you want to have clipped. And when you buy five participating products, you’re gonna save $2. So what does doing the chip deal, we’re already meeting four of that five. So I think for my 5th item, I’m gonna test out and see if maybe if I get 5 chips so they are all ring up $1 95, but if not, what I’m gonna do is just grab one of the cheaper item. So what I like to do to find what’s the cheapest item when I’m on that coupon, I just change it from recommended to low to high. On my fellow coupon, is if you know, you know. And then from there, it’ll show me, like, some of the cheaper items. So what I’m gonna do is just probably grab one of those dollar can drinks, but I really wanna grab a fifth chip and see if that’ll work. And if so, it should come out really, really good. But if not, I’ll just add in the dollar and drink. Actually, they did. You keep them up here, but I don’t even see it. I’m gonna check another area. And then while I’m right here, y’all black. That’s whole video from last week. Check it out. Those rebates I did get back for both the popcorn and The Rockstar. And for running y’all using my link, it reset and I got another offer for the Rockstar. So remember with the Rockstars, drinks at Dollar General, they are 2 for 3 50. But we have this amazing rebate. When we buy two, we’re gonna get $5 back. And it’ll deposit it into like I think your Paypal or Venmo account. It deposit it into my Venmo account, y’all. But it like instantly. Instantly I got approved and then I wanna say maybe took like 24 hours or maybe a day or two. But because I got it back, I’m gonna repeat this cause this is a money maker and this could be a great filler item to help me reach that 25 dollar balance. So let’s grab this and let’s find that dollar. Cancel. I think the Pepsi is hiding behind the rock star. So I’m grab one of those. So I forgot about the Sally Hansen and how on the last clearance event, a lot of these were on. Well, not a lot. Some of the flakes scents were on clearance. And we have $1 50 digital. And I did go ahead and scan this one which is on the regular aisle and let me show you what it’s coming up. So let’s scan this Sally Hansen on the app so you can see the price. Cause remember you always wanna confirm the price and make sure you have the right store selected. Remember, my store is 70% off. So this is coming up 73 cents. And look y’all, we got $1 50 digital. But because my store is not updated, I should get that over it, which should help me go towards something else in my cart. So I’m scanning a few more cause I might do more than one transaction. We’ll see. But this is why it’s important to scan. And don’t just go to like the clearance section. Make sure y’all are checking like different areas as well. So let me show you all the barcode in case you wanna scan it, um, and see if maybe your store has it or if you had that coupon, there’s another color that you might wanna be on the lookout for. It was, um, the mellow yellow. So let me show y’all a little hack that I like to do. Um, so that way I can see it can kind of help me narrow down what might be attaching. So whenever I’m scanning the products like we did with the Sally Hansen, I like to click the coupon. And again, I like to adjust it based off of low to high. That way I can see, okay, what other items. That way I can look just for those items. So these are some of the colors that you might wanna be on a lookout for at your store. Um, and again, whether your store is 50 or 70% off, you can use that dollar fifty digital Or you might get overage depending on if your store is updated or not. But these are the colors you want to be on the lookout for. Another item you might want to be on a lookout for, especially if you’re in need of like zarbies. I noticed that we had this three dollar digital and remember again my store 70% off. But if you can find these particular items you might want to snag them cause it could either possibly be like a freebie for you or really really cheap. And again, you can use these as filler item to help you reach that 25 dollar Mark. It’s a nice find. Remember like I told y’all, always make sure y’all are checking up top as well. But these little baskets right here um, are coming up like a dollar 35 at my store again which is 70% off. Remember those Tresemme’s I scanned in the video yesterday? They were coming up a dollar 89. I noticed today we have a 2 dollar cash back offer so this could be a great filler item especially if you want. It has DG cash already that you can just use and then get the DG cash back so I might grab this as well. I think the limit is two or three. Let me show y’all. I just scanned it as you see a dollar 89 and then we have this two dollar cash back offer so make sure you clip that And then you can do limited three. So I could literally pick up all three of those if I wanted to. I would get back six dollars. That same two dollar cash back offer right here. That works for those other tresemme. They also attached to these, y’all. So this is why you want to look far behind all over. These are coming up 54 cents, y’all. And then I should get back the $2. I just scanned it on the app. And 54 cents. To my subscriber friend who was asking me about the apples to apples game. I did go ahead and scan it, and yes, it is on clearance 2:28. And then, um, no coupons, but not bad if you need it. Oh, I found this little dog chew toy. It’s coming up 2:25. Normally a 10. Um, brushes the teeth and everything. Yeah. Found a new clearance item. This is again why it’s important to scan. I noticed these were coming up $1 0 3. And when I scanned them on the app, they were coming up, um, that we had a dollar coupon. See? Dollar 0 3, dollar digital. So guess what? I’m gonna probably use that as a filler item to help me reach 25, y’all. Found a penny item. If you all can find these. But I don’t need it. I’m just gonna leave it. And it don’t expire till next year. Another item. These Aussie right here. Let me show you the Barcode and I scanned it on the app. It’s coming up $1 35. And we do have this 3 off of 2 coupon so hopefully I can maybe try to find another one. And this could also make a great filler item. These. Y’all this is really cute but these are dollar 0 9. I’m not gonna grab those. But hey, not bad if you need it. I’d rather grab the bigger one for the same price. Shout out to my subscriber friend. I think it was in the last clearance event video you told me about checking the hair. Like jumbo hair. Y’all these are coming up 27 cents and they also on a promotion when you buy three, you don’t get the fourth one free. And y’all look at god, they literally have four. My visual folks, just to show you 25, I mean 27 cents and then again, this offer right here. Buy three get one free. Alright, I’m gonna pick up two of these uh, Garnier hair dyes I mentioned in my deal video from yesterday because they are coming up for 2:43. Y’all and we have 4 dollar digitals and we also have like some DD Cash back offer. So I should get the 4 off of 2 digital with me picking up 2. So this is gonna make a great filler item. So be on the lookout for those hair dyes. Y’all I’m telling y’all, some of those give overage depending on your store. And sometimes they can make great filler items for your 5 off of 25 coupon. Shout out to my couponer friend. She found some penny, um, candles. Y’all be on the lookout for these at your store. But again, remember, pennies are gonna be hard to really find. But if, hey, maybe you look up and see these, scan another find that you might wanna be on the lookout for if you want it, like pickles and ranch. This pickle ranch right here at my 70% off stores coming up. Um, I think it’s $1 0 9. And then we have a 50 cent digital. So again, that can make a great filler item. Or if you need it, a great way to get it for really cheap. So let’s scan it so I can visually show y’all. Cause again, scan your items, make sure y’all have the right store selected. 1:09. And again, we had this 50 cent digital coupon. If your store has these airways warmers right here, these make great filler items. Or a great freebie because they’re $4, and then with that coupon, it’ll make it free. But again, remember, that’s $4. That’s helping you get to that $25. Don’t forget to clip your 5 for 25 coupon. Or the 10 off of 40, depending on how much you’re spending. But don’t clip both if you’re trying to use the 10 off for 40, because that 5 for 25 would come off first. So don’t forget To clip this coupon if you’re only doing a 5 for 25 deal. Yeah, so this is everything that I plan on picking up. Remember, my focus is really the chips, and I wanted to add in a lot of filler items to help me get to 25, so that way I can reduce my out of pocket. Everything in my cart, y’all, before, like, any coupons or anything are applied, should total me. Everything in my cart should total me 2556. But remember, my file for 25 coupon should come off. My 2 dollar digital for the 5 participating Frito Lay Pepsi product should come off. My 4 dollar digital for the Garnier should come off. The dollar fifty for the Sally Hansen nail polish should come off. And then my dollar digital for those vitamins should also come off. So I know you’re like, wow, $12. But remember, I’m gonna get back the $5 for the Rockstar, so that’s gonna drop me down to 7:06. And then remember, I’m getting back $6 for the Tresemme 2 4, 6. Cause remember, that was a limit of three. So now that’s gonna make everything here, y’all, a dollar and six cents. This is why I love the clearance event, y’all. My focus was to chip. So if I was just to come in here and just grab the chips, which is a good deal in itself, that would total me 7 80. But I’m grabbing all these products for $1 0 6, which is gonna end up making all these products 19 products. Are gonna end up costing me, y’all, 5 cents each. So if you made it to the end or made it this far, comment down below the number five or the word DG. And let’s head to the register, y’all. Let’s test this out. I’m over here waiting in line. I’m just scanning items. These coming up 73 cents. I mean, 73 or 79 cents. Um, make sure with any food, y’all check the expiration date. So my total before tax is, like, 15 something. So I’m missing out on about 3:50. I was gonna just cancel it, but y’all know I like to show you all the good and the bad. So I’m gonna see what didn’t come off, and then I’m probably gonna end up returning some items, but all my digitals seem like they came off. So let’s see. Let me check out. Let me show you all the receipt. I know. Again, I like to show you all the good and the bad. And I was missing out on about $3. So let’s see what happened. So there’s the Lay’s. Um, and remember, any store discount, that’s gonna be for, like, any sale or any store coupons, like the 5 off of 25. So let’s see. One thing I do notice. The rock stars wrong up. Two for two instead of, um, two for, uh, 3:50. And that’s gonna leave me to pay About 50 cents more, but still, that means I’m still missing out on about $3. So let’s see what didn’t come out. And for some reason, I feel like I wonder if it has anything to do with the chips. If maybe you got about 4 of the same ones. Because, y’all, my coupons came off just fine. Everything like that was on clearance, rung up just fine. Um, so, yeah, I’m not sure what didn’t come off. So I think it has something to do with the chips. That’s what I’m thinking. Because I can’t figure it out. And maybe if I’m missing something, y’all let me know down below. But I’m gonna go ahead and submit my receipt to my, um, rebate for the Rockstar. So I should get the $5 back. So that should at least drop it down to 1056. And then remember, for the tresemme, I should be getting back the $6. So all in all, my out of pocket is gonna be about $3 more. Which I’m still okay with, because to initially plan out paying $1 in something, and ended up paying about four something when it’s all set and done. That’s still not bad considering my focus was the chips. But I’m still stumped. Like, what didn’t come off? It was all set and done. I end up paying 1556 before tax, but I’m getting back a total of $11. Remember, five for the rock star and then 6 for the tresemme. Items so when it’s also done, it’s still not bad cause it makes everything here all 19 items. Just four. 56 or 24 cents each. Y’all. And again, my focus was the chips, but I still am slumped as to what didn’t come off. So if y’all know and maybe I’m overlooking it, let me know down below. But for some reason I feel like it has to do with the chips and then I know some of it has to do with the Rockstar cause those run good 2 for 4 instead of 2 for 3:50. I also noticed that it doesn’t look like my Dollar Digital came off for those vitamins even though it has a dollar underneath it. But that coupon wasn’t a store coupon, so yeah. Stumps me. Y’all? Not sure. Regardless, y’all, I’m still happy with what I got, so if y’all made it to the end, comment down below. Never pay full price! And don’t forget to like and of course follow and subscribe for more ways to save! Happy couponing!