Believe and Xiaomi’s Waters: A Heartwarming Journey of Kindness and Generosity

Believe and Xiaomi’s Waters. Mom, can boys play? Love us. Yeah, boys can play with us. Anyone can play with us. Please put your name. P, L, C, L. No, try again. Ready?

1. P. O. Why? No? We donate some stuff for little girls that need some clothes. Yeah, that’d be nice. Yeah, I think this could be donated, right? Yeah, she can have that, but you probably donate this one. Yeah, we can. Is should we donate these? Yeah, we can donate these ones. You love this one so much. Too small on you. Coming. Where am I going? Nowhere now. Number. Look that spell just like this. I think she would love it. Oh, I’m so proud of you. Yeah, we can donate it. We can donate this one. Oh, Mommy isn’t big for me. You’re right. It is a little bit. You wanna keep it? Yeah, you can. Now you, we can know. Amazing. Mommy, I. Hi, Mommy. I’ve been wearing this. You have worn that one? Yeah. Okay. Well, don’t need it. Okay. Good job, girl.