Navigating Paid Parental Leave: A Comprehensive Guide

so you’re pregnant congratulations so now let’s talk about how you’re going to get paid when you take parental leave there are four different ways that you can get paid when you go on parental leave number one is through your state so currently there are nine states in Washington DC that offer state sponsored paid parental leave and it can be pretty complicated to navigate to figure out which one to qualify for and how to qualify for them which is why I put together a free guide for you to go and look through and it’s going to help you answer all of those questions so go to the link in my bio download the guide the second way that you’re gonna get paid hopefully when you go on parental leave is through your employer but not all employers offer paid parental leave it’s only about a quarter of US based employers so you’re gonna need to talk to your employer to find out if they offer and you pay the third way that you can get paid and this is for burdening parents only so people that are pregnant is if you have opted into short term disability insurance now you need to have opted in prior to getting pregnant almost always because once you become pregnant that’s a pre existing condition and when you have a pre existing condition generally you are not going to be qualified through short term disability insurance and the fourth way that you can get paid in an old video the fourth way that I said to get paid is to move to another country and kidding not kidding um because basically every other country in the world um that’s like a developed country offers paid parental leave to all the parents um but the United States if you haven’t heard doesn’t the more logical way fourth way to get paid is either through like PTO sick time um any sort of like roll over pay that you get through your employer or savings I know I didn’t say it was a great way I want you to get paid when you go on parental leave um so I talk about this kind of stuff all time make sure to follow me