Unlocking the Secrets of Affiliate Marketing: How I Make $1,858 per Day

So I’ve got a digital marketing side hustle that’s paying me roughly $1,858 per day. And it’s been paying me this since March of this year. So it’s been almost exactly six months in the making and I’ve made over $330,000. And by the way, this is all profit. And what I wanna do in this video is I wanna walk you through exactly what I did. And I’m also gonna walk you through exactly what my students are doing right now to get results with this same business model. Now, what is this business model? This business model is freelance digital marketing. Some people might call it promoting courses or high ticket affiliate marketing or there’s a lot of different names out there perpetuating in the online space as to what this business model is called. I’ve always called it digital affiliate marketing. Okay, so what this business model is, is you’re promoting other people’s high ticket courses and softwares and services. Not just courses, but other things. And the difference between this and maybe like a Master Resell rights course, that’s something that’s been buzzing around for quite some time, is with Master Resell rights, you purchase a course for, for example, $497. And just by purchasing the course, you can go out there and you can re promote it to others. And this gained popularity through Instagram. There’s a lot of stay at home moms that have made millions of dollars promoting master resale rights courses and I have nothing against them, but there’s one common problem with master resale rights courses is the marketing materials that they give you are lackluster. They’re not good at all whatsoever. Wherewith the type of courses that I relicense and I promote, I have to pay a one time fee to partner with the company and promote the courses. Now what this does, what this fee does is it goes into improving they’re marketing campaigns, so sales pages, sales videos, customer service infrastructure. With these master resell rights courses, you are cut the customer service representative, you’re also the marketer, you’re also the business owner. But with what I do, that all the customer service, all the sell, selling and telling, all the sales material is taken care of by the company that you’re paying that one time re licensing fee for. So it’s worth the price to pay to not only have the customer service taken care of for you, but also the products are improved over time by the company owner and the sales material just gets improved over time so your conversion rates. In other words, when you bring somebody into the program, you are doing less selling and telling. You’re just sending people straight to the actual program. And the sales material does everything for you. So the money also goes into improving the whole entire sales process so you can focus on the marketing and not focus on being a sales person like a lot Of people have to do with like master resale rights stuff. So I’ll show you more in depth examples of this, but I really wanna drive home that point so you understand the difference between what it is that I’m doing and something like a master resale rights course. Also, why are so many people promoting courses? Why digital courses, Josh? Like why? Why? What’s up with the craze? Well, listen closely. The proceed value of online courses is very high. Okay? If you go and type in Google how fast the e learning market is growing year by year. It’s growing 20% per year. And the college education system is declining at 6% per year. Cause most people, most students are realising that college is only getting them so far. And they’re left with debt, they’re left with a job that’s not guaranteed for life. You gotta deal with office politics, you have to hope and pray that you’re gonna get the raise that you want. And so people are just realising that they’re getting this expertise that’s kind of useless. Or they just have a ceiling on their income. And they spend a lot of time generalizing instead of specializing in one specific trade. So online courses, independent courses from creators like you and I, people are learning more from those they’re able to specialise in a specific trade. And they’re able to not only learn at their own pace, but succeed much faster. And the perceived value Of trades like internet marketing, digital marketing, social media management, uh, day trading, dropshipping. The expertise on those specific trades is the perceived value is much higher and, and the income is much higher, the potential income is much higher. And so people are willing to spend more money. What does that mean for people like us that are promoting this digital education? It means we’re able to make more money with the same marketing efforts. And this, this changed my life. This one thing allowed me to quit my job. Okay, I’m a college dropout. I worked at a retail jewelry store for eight and a half years. But when I realised that it took no more effort to promote something that was $5,000 versus something that was $50, I realised that it’s not about working hard, just about working hard, but it’s about working smart too. Cause when I first got started in this industry, I would promote low ticket physical products like pet fountains, anti aging products, wart removal creams, like just random stuff that didn’t pay me that well for the marketing that I was putting into generating the sale in the first place. And then when I switched my business model and just started promoting online courses and online education, online softwares, it changed the game for me. And I went from making like 500 to a thousand dollars a month to making $10,000 a month and quitting my job in the first year of Doing this, uh, this digital marketing, promoting these high ticket e learning courses as an affiliate. And so what I wanna do is I wanna show you that this is truly possible for you, and there’s not going to be, at any point in the near future, saturation, because this industry continues to grow and more and more people. Like, it’s still at its. In. At its infancy is what I’m trying to say. Like, I started promoting digital courses back in 2,013, 2,012, and now it’s 2,024, and people are saying, oh, it’s saturated. Oh, I just see everybody everywhere promoting these courses. And I’m telling you that’s because, like, because you’re researching make money online opportunities, that’s all you’re seeing. So it appears saturated, but I promise you, it is not. So what I wanna do at this point is I wanna dive into my computer and I wanna show you the business model and how it works. But real quickly before I do, I wanna let you guys know that just like anything in life, this is gonna take work. Right? Like, I know there’s tons of YouTube videos that have clickbait titles, and they make you think that you don’t have to invest in your business, and they make you think that you can make money quick, which. The make money quick part, it’s possible. As a matter of fact, one of my students, Jim, just wrote me a message today, and he said one of His TikTok videos has produced 23 dollars, which is like, he’s putting up content every single day. And most of your content, a lot of your contents, not gonna do that well until you figure out the formula. But in the beginning, you’re gonna have one piece of content that does extremely well, and you’re gonna have a lot of content that doesn’t do that well. But that one piece of content can produce you dozens upon dozens of cells. I think, um, when he wrote me the message this morning, he said he is. He’s made five cells, which is twenty three hundred dollars. And most of those cells came from that video that got right around 45,000 views. So what we’re doing is we’re building an audience. We’re content creators. We’re putting content online on TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube. And then we’re directing people to a done for you marketing system. And if you’re somebody that’s like, well, Josh, I don’t wanna put myself on camera. I don’t wanna be a content creator. Here’s the. Here’s the reality, here’s the truth. It doesn’t matter what you’re doing. It’s going to take work and there’s going to be a learning curve and you will need to step outside your comfort zone. The best way that I can explain this in a form that you understand is you have the hard things in life. Like you have celebrity status. So celebrities, they’re actors, they’re authors, they’re producers, they’re. They’re athletes. What’s the level of difficulty required? Like, what’s a level of work required to be an actor, to be an artist, to start a clothing brand, to become great? Like, it’s difficult. It’s not easy at all whatsoever. Now, it doesn’t mean you need to be a celebrity to make a lot of money and become influential, but what I’m saying, what I’m trying to explain here is you need to be willing to do the hard things, cause the hard things will eliminate the competition. Like, there’s A I. Out there and everybody’s trying to do faceless YouTube channels and. And A I. And faceless TikTok and just faceless digital marketing. And that’s only gonna work to an extent until it gets saturated. Because it is easy. The. The barrier to entry is. It’s easy. Everybody, pretty much everybody can do it. Not everybody has a courage to put themselves on camera. Not everybody has a courage to go to acting school and put themselves out there in any way, shape or form. Greatness requires uncomfortability. And even if you wanna be good and you wanna hit $10,000 per month, you’re gonna need to step outside of your comfort zone, okay? So just understand that. Like, stop clicking around to different YouTube videos and trying to find, like, a secret shortcut. There’s no shortcuts, guys. The only shortcut is. Is getting on a platform early, like TikTok, like I did back in March. This is how I took this Campaign from zero to making consistently 18 dollars per day. Is I’m on TikTok. I’m doing my most of my marketing on TikTok. Okay, first off, TikTok’s such a new platform. Still to this day, even though it’s been around for four or five years, I believe, it’s still so new. And there’s a discrepancy between content creators and consumers. There’s still very little content creators, and there’s a lot of viewers, a k A. Consumers, on the platform. So this is why beginners are jumping onto TikTok, and they’re absolutely crushing it with this high ticket digital affiliate marketing, e learning space. And this is what got me on TikTok is I saw some just average dude from Oregon shooting a video in his car talking about how he made $120,000 in, like, 70 days. I was like, holy shit. And these people are just shooting simple amateur videos in their house, in their car, taking a walk on a trail, and they’re making money doing it. And so that triggered me to think, holy crap. Like, I don’t need to be on YouTube and be this big content creator and edit videos and have this fancy lighting. Like, you can see this video is just a simple ha. It’s a simple iPhone video, okay? And you can shoot videos just like these that, um, that are successful. So let’s go ahead. Let’s jump into my computer. Let me show you the entire process, the products, the sales material, Everything that you’ll be able to get access to, that I got access to, that allowed me to create a massive results. And. And by the way, I work no more than one to three hours a day on this business. And so if you wanna start this as a side hustle, you can do the same thing. So let’s go ahead, let’s jump into the computer. Alright, so this is what the business model looks from like a 10,000 foot perspective. So we’re in the e business niche, right? What we do is we take people from TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and we send them to what’s called a cell system. This cell system works for us day and night. Whether we’re at the beach, whether we’re at the pool, whether we’re on a cruise, it doesn’t matter. This thing’s working for us 24 7, 3 65. And what really changed my life with this is I remember it was like 2:00am one night. This was like a over 10 years ago, and I was looking at a sales page and a sales page is essentially, I’ll show you what it is in just a second, but it’s got a video or it’s just a bunch of text and then it has an order button. And I was about to purchase a product that was $2,000 and I was thinking, and it was a course. It was a course on ranking websites in Google search engine. I’m like, this is Crazy. The owner of the product and the website, as soon as I press submit, they’re going to make $2,000, and they’re most likely sleeping right now. So that taught me the importance of leverage time. That one concept absolutely changed my life. So I’m like, how can I start doing that? And that’s what sort of LED me up to this. This point that I’m at today and allowed me to quit my job. And I’ve generated millions of dollars online now. And so this is the same process that I went through early on that changed my life. And now hopefully it can change your life too as well. So essentially, what we wanna do is we wanna create consistent content on social media. And then as we do that, we’re sending people to this automated sales process. It consists of an opt in page, a sales video, and then it goes straight to the offer, which could be like a membership site, could be a digital download, it could be a software, whatever it is. Right. And so let me show you how this works live and in action. So first off, I’m just gonna go straight to my website right here, Josh elder dot com. And if I click on this button here, this takes me to what’s called the sales funnel. So this sales funnel has this opt in page right here. Again, we’re on the step right here. So let’s pretend we went from TikTok to this opt in page right here. Then we’ll enter in our information. We’ll click the button here. And by the way, I did not have to set any of this up. And. And this is the same exact sales process I’ve been sending people through that’s allowing me to make that $1,858 per day. So people land here, and this was all set up for me. They click this button, they enter their name and email address. So we’ll just go ahead and do that. And then once they do that, they click the get access now button, and they come to this sales page right here. So this sales page, it’s got a headline, and then it’s just a video. And then every time somebody watches this video and they decide to purchase, guess what? I make money. So this exact process I just showed you has allowed me to make three hundred and thirty four thousand, five hundred and twenty nine dollars and eighty six cents, working no more than one to three hours a day. So if there’s one thing that you’re getting from this, it’s to just focus on traffic generation. Focus on getting people from social media platforms to the sales process. And what’s really cool in the background, when somebody fills out their name and email address, they’re put into what’s called an auto responder. Okay? An auto responder is a service, okay? This auto responder here is called Get Response. So When I log in, you can see all the leads I’ve generated from this very website right here. Right? This page right here that we just saw today. So far, we’ve generated. Let’s wait for this to pull up. Yesterday we got 172 leads. Today we got 43 leads so far. And all time this year. Again, I told you guys, I started this in March, okay? Proof is in the pudding. We’ve generated almost 45,000 leads all time. So the more leads you generate, the more money you make. So let me show you some examples of some of my students and what they’re doing right now. This is Jim. You saw his testimonial earlier in this video. These are his videos right here that he’s been putting up over the last few weeks. And you can see that here’s his link in his bio right here. And this takes people to a page that’s quite familiar, right? You guys just saw this? And so just by sending people to this page, he’s made 25 hundred dollars working this very, very part time. Here’s Aaron Chen. He’s making right around $1,000 per day. And I taught him the same TikTok strategies that I taught Jim, and he’s. He’s absolutely crushing it, you know, again, $1,000 a day sending people to the same exact process, same exact funnel. And then here’s my profile right here. As you can see, 224,000 view. Uh, followers. Excuse me. And these are my videos. Right here. Now you might be wondering, well again Josh, like I don’t want to put myself on camera. I don’t want to put myself out there. I need you to understand that. Number one, don’t overwhelm yourself. Don’t care about how you look on camera. Everybody’s gonna be stupid the first few times they get on camera. Like I sucked the first 100 times of shooting videos. I accepted it and. But what I did is I found a mentor. And this mentor happened to be younger than me. He was like 17 years old and he was making 30 grand a month as a 17 year old. And he said Josh, I remember he’s from the UK. I had a call with him at like 3:00am one one morning and cause of the big time difference and he said Josh, just model what I’m doing. Success leaves clues. Why? Why try to reinvent the wheel when you could just model me? So I started small and I started modeling some of his videos. I would inject my own personal story with sort of his framework of what he was following. And I did that consistently. And I remember I was shooting these short little videos in my parents basement with the webcam on my MacBook Pro. And what I’ll do is I’ll show the video right here, at least a screenshot of what it looked like. And that was one of my first videos. So we all have To start somewhere. And you can do this. I don’t care if you feel like you can’t put one sentence together. Anything worth doing is gonna take some time. Don’t believe in the hype. Don’t believe in the easy routes. Everything will be hard. You just have to be willing to put in the work for a short amount of time. We’re talking the next 60 to 90 days of consistent work, going through the learning curve that can change your life forever. And that’s what it allowed me to do. Like I said, when I plugged into this business model and dedicated myself to it for a year and didn’t get distracted by yet another shiny object that seemed better and easier, that’s when my life changed. So if you want to get access to the same exact digital affiliate system that I just walked you through, you’ll get access to all these pages here. You’ll even get access to your own custom website. This website that I showed you, you get a copy. This exact website. I did not have to create this website. I did not have to create the webinars. Again, these are all custom webinars that will sell these products for you. So I did walk you through and show you one of the webinars, which was the affiliate Business System webinar. So you’ll be able to relicense and copy this whole entire sales process. And again, Vic right here, he’s doing all the selling. And telling for us. So all we have to focus on is our content marketing. And then there’s a bunch of other products too that he sells for us on our behalf that again, we did not have to create that we’re gonna earn up to 100% commissions on. He’s got courses that he’s created for us too, as well. As you can see right here, these different courses are either free or paid courses. But what’s cool about the free courses is as people go through the free courses, they’ll get value and they’ll eventually join the paid courses. And so this ecosystem is super, super powerful in what you’re getting access to. You’re getting access to, you know, the website, you’re getting access to all the sales material. You’re giving the ability to earn up to 100% commissions and repromote the products that Vic created and other people created within the the ecosystem of ABS. And so it’s really, really powerful stuff nonetheless. I hope you got value from this even if you don’t join me on this journey. If you want to learn more about this system, there’s going to be a link in the description below where you can learn more. I’ve also got a mastermind group that I put together where we jump on calls six days a week. These are live calls, includes Q&A. So you can ask me any questions. And I’m showing you all the strategies that I’m currently using right now. To promote the same exact system I walked you through. So we dive deeper into what I’m doing specifically on TikTok in my videos to get these sort of results. So you can literally copy my frameworks and my marketing methods, so you can succeed a lot faster. So those links will be in the description below. And go ahead and subscribe. Comment if you have any questions. Take the bell icon to be notified of my next video that I release. I’m doing videos daily, so I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. Take care.