Title: Intense Verbal Confrontation and Battle Banter: A Dramatic Encounter

A ripper? Shut up! Shut up, stupid. Shut up! What? Idiot! Idiot! Okay, buddy. Okay, buddy. Okay, buddy. Shut up, stupid. Yeah, I’m forcing your hand. I’m forcing your hand. I’m forcing it. What’s up? I’m forcing it. What you about to do? What you gonna do about it, huh? What you gonna do about it, huh? Huh? What you gonna do about it? What you gonna do about it? Oh, okay, that’s what you gonna do. Okay? Okay, buddy. Okay, buddy. 야 야 I’m nobody and flow. 아 아 Mel. Yo, what’s up? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? No, no, don’t call for your mom. Call for your mama. Call for. Call for your mama. No, no, no. What? What you doing? We, we, we. Boy, you want that battle with me? Hahaha, yeah! Fall to fall in the water. Stop breathing so hard. I’m merely my brother’s eyes and ears. Boy, if you don’t think you’re monologuing while you getting whooped, well, just lay down all that talking. Just fade away. Gone with the wind, the baby