Title: Sonic Performance Stage 3 Remap: A Tale of Ups and Downs in Horsepower and Turbo Troubles

I took my car to Sonic Performance to do a stage 3 remap. And everything was going well until it wasn’t. Just wait. So you can see I got a four hundred and sixty millimeters. Alright. So basically it’s made an additional hundred millimeters. I’m gonna hopefully get. I’m gonna get it to about 4 20 horsepower. So I’m gonna make a few tweaks to it now. Yeah. And we’re gonna adjust it. Then I’mma run it on the dyno again. Yeah. As you can see, the car was running fine for the first run. We got out of that 397 horsepower. But the second run was bad. That is for the turbo. The car was working perfectly on the arrival. We had the turbo checked about two months ago at David Developments, the same company that built my engine and also fitted my oil cash can system. Here is the moment that happened. And at that point I felt like the whole world has fallen for me. That’s how my turbo looks right now. And I’m hoping it didn’t affect my engine because I’ve just forged it three months ago. So yeah, I will keep you