Effortless Meal Prep: Simplifying Family Dinners with the Five Dinners, One Hour System

If I told you we had a way to go from picking up your groceries at the store to five meals ready to go for your family for the week and a clean kitchen all week, would I have your attention? This is our member, Jennifer. She just picked up her groceries, and now she is prepping her five meals for her family for the week using the five dinners, one hour system. It’s gonna take her less than one hour to get those five meals prepped and in the fridge. And so then on the night she wants to serve that meal, all she has to do is pop it in the oven or pop it in the slow cooker that morning, and she’s going to be ready to go. she’s not gonna have any of those prep dishes for clean up that night, just the pan it was cooked in and the plate she ate on.