Unlocking Opportunities: My Journey in Section 8 Rentals and Affordable Housing

My roles. Royce just randomly created an intro to an investor with $10 billion. No, I do Section 8 rentals. Really? So do Section 8 low income. Heard of you? Probably. I.

Was told young guy, really smart. I’d be very interested in.

Learning. Yeah, sorry. What were you saying about the line of credit at the music?

$10 million to do in the Io 8%. Okay, whatever to draw down, but I only use it for the down.

Payment. Oh, that’s awesome.

And I was just thinking about affordable housing. I’m gonna go get my iPhone.

See what you drive matters next time someone tells you, don’t get the excited car, don’t get the luxury car, it’s a terrible investment, tell them that it’s gonna start opening doors for you that you would have never been able to open without them.

I’m doing a free section of training this Wednesday at eight PM Eastern time. If you click the link in the bio, I’m gonna show you how to buy your first section at rental property, how to get it rented out, and how to scale. I’ll see you guys in there.