Removing Honey Bees Behind Camper Shower Walls: A Step-By-Step Process

We’re vacuuming the bees up nice and easy. Alrighty. This is the beginning of a honey bee cutout. They are behind the wall of this camper shower. And we’re gonna see if we can cut out the shower and remove the honey bees. Well, we’re through one layer. Now we got to get through the second layer. But this one I’m gonna put my bee suit on for. Gotta be safe. Alrighty. Here’s what we look like. We are to the bees and the comb. We’ll start getting our vacuum, vacuuming up the bees and cutting the comb out all the time. Looking for a queen here. So they had a nice little spot here. This is how we vacuum. Nice and easy. Looking for the Queen. She’s probably hidden back in there pretty far. That’s typical.