Survival Guide to University Living: Tips for Navigating Dorm Life and Staying Clean

and for context as someone Who has finished university this will change the trajectory of your first year so first things first you need to bring slides to university you consider that there are literally university clubs that are testing positive on the floor for gonorrhea and that this is gonna get dragged into your flat consider where you wanna put your feet these floors do not get clean like your bins will leak you will have drinks on the floor someone will probably throw up on the floor and like you don’t wanna be putting your little dogs on them like it’s it’s not gonna be fun No. 2 and I said this last year mattress topper this this is my mattress topper right as you can see these are not stains by the way this is the design this this is the mattress of whichever person used this bed before me when I tell you the beds that you’re sleeping on are uncomfortable they’re uncomfortable that is like the least of your concerns these mattresses don’t get changed you don’t know who’s been sleeping on that mattress before you don’t know what they’ve been doing and like probably don’t wanna be put your body on that finally when you arrive at university you wanna get there early and not for the reason that you might think basically you wanna make sure that you get a good fridge space because I promise you when I say this there are people at university with zero hygiene and all of that food in the top shelf is gonna probably go off at some point and it’s gonna fall down on your food that will be on the bottom shelf it’s avoid that situation you wanna get to university nice and early and make sure you choose middle shelf the top shelf the middle shelf if you want a full comprehensive review for everything you need to know about university that’s on YouTube so yeah go and watch that