Beekeeping in the Heat: Safely Vacuuming Bees and Capturing the Queen

It’s a little bit hot in here, but we’re getting her done. Check out how this comb is just perfect here. Look at that. So we’re vacuuming the bees up nice and easy. Not to hurt them too much. You get a couple of them that might get squished, but for the most part, they all are inside our box over here, and they stay nice and safe. That’s connect to the shop vac. Let’s turn this puppy back on and keep going. All right, we got most of the comb out. One little piece there left. I gotta vacuum up some bees. All I gotta say is it is hot. This is all sweat. No fun on a day like this inside a camper. So here is the queen. Where did she go? She’s right up there. There she is, right in that corner. See her right there. Where you at, girl? Well, now I gotta catch her.