Testimonial Request: Help me become a Sephora Squad Member!

the best part about my account flopping is that I can get on here and do this shamelessly if you are someone who enjoys my content what hi thank you you’re the best but this is for you I have applied to be part of the Sephora squad and they are collecting testimonials to support my application all you have to do is this and this type out a little somethin somethin and that’s it I can’t even see what you type so if you wanna sabotage me this is a great opportunity I can only see how many testimonials I have thank you to everyone who has already submitted one I had so much more to say but I just ran out of lighting but I would really appreciate if you submitted a testimonial it just makes my little heart so happy anytime I refresh the page and the number goes up I’m just like who did it okay bye guys love you