Celebrating 10 Years of Craig Roland: A Tales of Exandria Countdown

Hey, Craig Roland. Are you missing the Mighty Nine and Vox Machina? I mean, at the table might actually get a couple of episodes. Hi, my name is Sarah. I’m part of tales of Exandria. We are doing a countdown to the 10 year anniversary of Craig Roland, and it’s on the channel. If this is old news to you, please keep scrolling. For those who don’t have Beacon or are not watching, bells tells. Oh, boy, do I have a clip for you. Let’s go. If all this goes well, 99 goes. And your measurements, then this. This might be a scenario where, for certain simultaneous assaults on Lewdus. We’re hopping you guys get to hop into. Oh, are you serious? And assault the Malias key. Oh, my God. All to support spells hell.