Car Boot Adventures: Bargain Hunting with £50!

We’ve just pulled up to our local car boot. We got 50 pounds. Let’s see what we can get with 50 pounds. Buddies. Where? Uh. Oh, he’s pooped. I’m gonna need to change you. Here we be. Margos new obsession is birds. I things we want from here is a jump rope. I really want a jump rope. Oh, a samurai sword. Brad said he wants a samurai sword every single time, but never gets one. Get a bag. He wants a. Get a bag. Which we’re not gonna get. But big thing I want is a jumper roof. If I can find one. Because I’m not about to pay £80 for a new jumper roof when they’re in it for like two months. Okay, we’re one aisle down. No luck yet. Alright. Not as good as last time, but disappointed. Fingers crossed we find something good down here. This is Brad’s idea of heaven. Love these board games. What are we gonna pick, brothers? I don’t know if there’s anything I want. It’s not a problem. I’ll pop it in. Perfect. I’ll pop it in the back of the car. Darling. 10 pound jumper. Look at that. Thank you very much. All these pins. I’m gonna get one for my sister. She can put it on a lanyard. She’s. She likes Disney things, don’t she? So probably a Disney related thing. Do you reckon? I’ve got like one of those. I’m gonna get her that one. Right into the Second tenor. Worth it. Dressing up bits here. How much is that little baby car thing? I do want £8 for it. That’s fine, no worries. Gave Maggie a Peppa Pig, a favourite. It’s found something he wants. Alright, we got a couple of bits. Margo got a pepper, which is given to her. I’ll got a pin. We got a jumperoo. I mean, not a massive fail cause I got the thing I wanted, but Brad’s now on the hunt for another car boot. Thank you very much. Is it alright? What? No. Yeah. Two teddies. I’ll go. What Teddy? Which one you want? I think the carrots, I think. Get him. He’s on my side. He’s on my side. Yeah. Just driven to our second car boot of the day. This is our final car boot. Let’s go see what we can find. Brad, what budget have we got left? I got £12, 35, 36, £36. Let’s do this. Lovely. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you. Got himself a LaCoste shirt. Nice. We’re halfway through the car boot and we’ve got one purchase so far. It’s a good one. It’s a good one, but let’s find some more. Other than that, we’ve got nothing else today. I’d rate this one, eh, 3. There was stuff here to buy, but we already bought a lot of it. Yeah. Gotta go home now cause I’ve got a whole roast dinner to cook. We started with 50. Pounds. We’re leaving with 35. But we did get some good stuff. Maybe we’ll do it again next week. Yeah.