Unveiling the Simplicity and Clarity of Islamic Scriptures: A Scientist’s Perspective

As a scientist, again, this is really important. As a scientist, which I’m a research scientist, when you start to study the, the Quran or the hadith or the text that surround it, the information that surround this religion, there’s a lot of, um, straight, you know, talking evidence you, that you can actually sit down and look at and say, oh, I can see the source of this information. I can see the history of this. I can see where this came from. And unlike some of the, um, other, other texts from other religions, it was actually very straightforward. It was pretty simple. It was, you know, you’ve got God, believe in God. Pretty much everything else, um, you can slowly get used to. You know, you can slowly start to integrate into your life. But if you believe in God and you believe there was a line of prophets that came to spread the message, pretty much just to help humans get on with their lives and do well, then that’s Islam. You’ve got it down. So I don’t have to do this or I do. Do I have to do this every day? Do I have to do that? Kind of shocked me. I was like, how can anything be that simple?