Protecting Your Business: Four Crucial FTC Guidelines Every Marketer Needs to Know

if you are marketing a product service or program on this app including for affiliate commissions you need to know these four things to protect yourself and your business Your gonna wanna save this video because if you’re down the rabbit hole of how to create an income online or how to market yourself in the digital space aka digital marketing you’re gonna notice that there’s not a lot of people out here talking about this topic I realize that by talking about this I’m putting myself out there on the radar for people to be a little upset with but I believe in giving people the opportunity to protect themselves and their business long term Ill start by giving this disclaimer I’m not an attorney so you need to consult with yours on what’s best for you but here are four FTC guidelines that I’m sure nobody has taught you let’s get right into it number one is income claims You guys knew I was gonna say that right I’ll be the first to admit that I knew income claims were kind of a hot button topic in this industry and that some people that use them some people don’t I didn’t realize how severe they actually were when it comes to FTC guidelines you are allowed to have income claims if you can substantiate them and if you have a disclosure that your results are typical or not typical also if you’re promoting here on TikTok specifically you need to make sure that that promotional content button is turned on and if you’re directing people to a funnel or a website having a little teeny tiny terms and conditions at the bottom of your website is not sufficient those disclosures need to be inner woven through your copy and easily eligible for people to see it should be obvious that you can’t make guarantees or specific claims but if McDonald’s has to put caution hot on the bottom of their coffee like what makes you think that you’re above a disclosure on all of your marketing as well No.2 CAN-SPAM laws as a concerns email marketing if you are using email marketing how many of you were taught that you need to include a physical mailing address on the bottom of your email campaigns because I wasn’t your customers have to have a way to get in touch with you through mail if they want to to start I personally went out and purchased the PO Box and have been including that on the bottom of my email marketing to protect my physical address if you’re using email marketing as part of your business structure you need to have a business address as well No. 3 testimonials this one’s gonna ruffle some feathers but you guys know that it’s not enough to just screenshot a testimonial and included in your marketing technically you have to have a written affidavit of approval but you also have to prove that the claims that they’re making you can substantiate meaning if somebody says that they made X amount in X amount of time using your product you have to have the physical evidence that each one of those claims are true again having it in your terms and conditions that you’re authorized to use people’s testimonials is not enough you are going to screenshot and show somebody else’s results so that you can sell your product you better make sure that they are actually telling the truth otherwise it comes back on you and No.4 if you are working with a brand a mentor a program or as an affiliate and you are told not to include the proper disclosures of hashtag ad hashtag sponsored hashtag promotional content you need to decide as an affiliate of that program product or brand is worth your reputation in your business because not including the proper information comes back on you and not them in some ways this may mean cutting ties from a financial opportunity or reevaluating how you do your business as a whole you have to ask yourself if you’re in this for the integrity of helping people actually be successful in the online space or just for a quick buck there’s so much more that I could get into but if you’d like a link to the information that’s teaching me I got from a marketer who got sued by the FTC I’m not an affiliate of his products this is not promotional content but I want to help protect your business long term put HELP ME in the comments below so I can send the information right over to you and if you like to work with me in the future just know I will do everything in my power to guide you in the best possible direction to protect yourself in your business stay safe out there love you guys