Elvis the Rooster: A Fertility Assessment and the Expectation of Chicks

As you may know, we got the rooster a couple of weeks ago. His name is Elvis. It’s time to figure out if he’s doing a good job with his ladies. So let’s check. Ooh, your broody, huh? Look how she’s puffing up. Why are you in the same spot? So now let’s check if this is fertilized. How can you find out if a egg is fertilized or not? Store bought egg. My egg. You see this white little dot? That’s a normal egg. And this. What happens to the dot? So you can see how the dot is expanding. Now we have three hands laying on the eggs. We know that the eggs are fertilized, which means that Elvis is doing a great job. And now we just have to wait 21 days until the first chicks may start to hatch. I’ll keep you posted.