Exploring Hi-Hat Patterns: From Rock to Disco Grooves

A really common hi hat pattern you might see drummers doing is this. What is it? Accent on the edge or the downbeat? On the edge. Numbers. And then the ends with the tip of the stick on top. Gives you kind of a rocky sound. Good stuff. A lot of us already do it, but if you wanna switch it up, give yourself a challenge. Swap that around, put it on its head so you get the downbeat, the number, tip of the stick on top of the high hat one, and then on the end, you get the edge 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and. And all of a sudden, all of your grooves sound like disco grooves. But who’s gonna be mad about that? Not me. Doing this pattern if you’ve never done it before is gonna feel real weird. So take it very, very slow, go back to basics, go through all your permutations. If you don’t know what permutation is, don’t worry about it. But take it away. Give it a go, see how you do.