Title: From JavaScript to C: Documenting the Two-Week Journey of Rewriting a Project

So lucky for you, I document everything. So not only is there like, a read me a man page and inline documentation for that project, I also wrote a blog post about the whole process. And you can see that it was originally in javascript, but I rewrote it in C, and it took about two full weeks of working. That wasn’t all programming. That was kind of deciding how it all work. Go read through this blog post. It’s LinkedIn. The, uh, gethub repo. I believe it’s linked. Let me know if it’s not. I can fix that. It should be, but yeah, go read through the whole blog post if you want to learn more. But long story short, a lot of time was spent trying to figure out how I would architect this and see would I be using threads. I eventually landed on all asynchronous and non blocking IO using epoll or KQ, depending on your operating system. So yeah, about two weeks.