The Ultimate Mom Sweatshirt: Review and Unboxing with Snack Holes Galore!

Welcome to the Nana sweatshirt. The mom sweatshirt. This one, besides being absolutely freaking adorable, it’s got some detailing in it. Can you see kind of the lining in there? It’s got like a texture. It’s really pretty. I got a navy blue in it. It’s kind of got a little bit of a drop. Sleeve, 5 9:44, double D in the chest, 14:16 pants. It does have the slits here, which I know a lot of people like that have curves. I don’t, unfortunately. But you ladies that have the lovely curves, this is perfect for you. But here it is. Are you ready? Are you ready? There are snack holes right on the front. You got your keys? So when you’re carting the kids around all over the place, you got a place to put those. You didn’t have time to eat breakfast cause you’re a mom and everybody else ate breakfast and you didn’t get to eat. You got your snack. Kids need a snack. Oh, there you go. Fruit snacks in the back. Oh, but wait, that isn’t enough. We need something healthier. Got a couple of apple sauce pouches here. I am telling you, the snack holes on these shirts is amazing. You need this. It is. I wish it showed better on this dark color, but look, there’s so much room. This is a. I’m gonna call it a mid weight. It is not fuzzy. It is a flat feel of fabric in the Back, not scratchy, very soft, very oversized. I mean, you’re gonna be able to layer this like crazy. I totally could have done a large. Totally could have done a large. I might have to go back and get another color in large. I am not mad about this. This is so cozy. Throw it on, take it, wear it to the games. Kids are out playing a little soccer. Play a little. You’re there like, oh, you need this. Oh, you need this. You need some lip balm. You need some what? It’s all there. Phone chargers, candy, lip balms, makeup. The possibilities are endless. There’s space for all of your things. This shirt is amazing. And if you also need 1, 2, 3, 1 for every day of the week, because mom. And don’t stop. It is linked right there. I will see you on the next video. Hands down, one of the best things I got this fall. I will see you later.