Prank Calls and Ball Sack Pie: Dealing with Unwanted Callers

Going. You want anything else? Garlic match? I’ll throw on the garlic. That’s, uh, on me. No, you don’t. You don’t gotta. I appreciate that, but you don’t gotta do that. Ah, don’t worry about it. We’ll get the pie going. We’ll uh. Well, let not. Don’t answer this. Don’t answer. It’s. It’s them again. Yeah, don’t answer. What’s the matter? You guys got somebody on your line you don’t want to talk to? We’re dealing with these fucking prank calls. They call three times a week. You? Ball sack pie. Can I get a ball sack pie with that? I get it. You know, I. I used to have a couple kids. Bad calling. Calling every day. What they do? Yeah, they call me and they say, yeah, we wanna book a power washing. But you gotta power wash the inside of my ass crack. How’d you get rid of them? Eh, you know, I, uh. Let me see the phone. I’ll show you. You serious? Yeah. Give me the phone. Alright. Yeah, go ahead, try. Yeah. How you doing? This is the local police department