Kaos on Netflix: The Redesigned Cerberus – A Unique Twist on the Mythical Guardian Dog

they redesigned Cerberus for this new show Kaos on Netflix about Greek gods and I love the choices they made because look at this goodest boy basically they took a German short haired pointer dog that looks like this and gave it three heads instead of going for the more traditional giant snarling dog creature or how Harry Potter did it where they just made a three headed Pitbull there was also this giant snarling creature instead in this adaptation Cerberus is a breed of working dog that is used in the underworld almost like a TSA dog would be used so we do see a lot more of these dogs throughout the story and they all have their own individual names but they are Cerberus dogs the main one we see throughout the story’s name is Fodus which means light they really changed up the role of Cerberus to fit the story that they’re adapting out of Greek myth and I like the choices that they made I always thought it was interesting how this dog is also addressed as a singular being even though it’s got three heads that seem to have three personalities