Confessions of a Love Bomb Enthusiast: My Unexpected Cult Experiences

does anybody else love being love bombed I love being love bombed I love being love bombed so much that enthusiastically went to the fundamentalist Christian cult chastity club thing for months when I was 15 16 years old now I wanna clarify that I am not fundamentalist Christian okay I think at the time I was worshipping the Greek goddess nemesis and like two years prior to this I was accidentally in like another fundamentalist Christian homeschool cult they kicked me out of that one but like I went into the Chastity Club Girls group thing fully knowing what was going on and my dad knew too he was like yeah yeah go get some attention make some friends take some notes and oh boy did I I loved it I would go in there and like a full second hand sweet loIita cord or like a a lime green Joker wig and it was great because no matter what weird outfit I wore or how much I talked about anime Homestuck and My Little Pony they were all enthusiastic for me to be there I didn’t have to mask around these people Because telling somebody to stop talking about their my Little Pony fan theories is not going to get them to denounce ab0rtion vacc!nes homosexuaIity and sin they had to pretend to like my Homestuck fan art it was delightful if I didn’t end up moving to Colorado I would have kept going to that one too until they eventually kicked me out