Stylish Outfit for US Open with Moet Chandon: A Fashionable Experience

Hey, friends. So we are headed to the US Open with Moet Chandon. Very excited. Uh, so let me show you what I’m wearing. This is going to be my first of two times going. I’m going again, uh, during the week, so, yes, let’s get to the outfit. Okay, so this tennis skirt is, uh, English factory. The top, even though it’s covering, you know, it’s. It’s for the effect, is L V I R. Jewelry. Yurman, uh, Bottega. I cannot remember. Uh, they. The bracelet and the ring, uh, me and my bestie have them, so they’re like bestie bracelets and bestie rings. They’re from, uh, Marlou, the viral jewelry place in Italy. And the tennis bracelet is verlos. Shoes are ASOS. Fragrance is Oso by Centrum. Adding the Chanel. And this is the look. So let’s go to the US Open. Bye.