Braiding Beards and Celebrating Father’s Day: A Fun-filled Evening

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon, everybody. Well, it’s Happy Father’s Day. So what we do we do on Father’s Day, we do the African braids in the beard. So wait for it and we will show you the end result. So here’s bubbles. Feeling amazing. We’re all waiting to go out and have cocktails, dance, a party and food. But in the meantime, we’re looking at the old man of Sophie’s Yani. Look sensibly. You’re on a video. Hello. Hello, hello, everybody. Oh, look, he’s like, he’s got a cracker up his bum. But anyway, that is fine. So we’ll show you the end result. Jasper down here is going like bubbles. What are you doing to my dad? This is my dad. But anyway, say goodbye, everybody. Bye, guys. See you later.