Chasing Twisters: A Fan’s Adventure to Wakita, Oklahoma

This is for twister fans! I’m finally going to Wakita, Oklahoma in September. Big announcement. Uh, if you know and love the movie, you are very aware that that’s where Aunt Meg famously lives. And on September 14th, I will at last be attending an annual twister event that I’ve been trying to get to for like three years now. The festivities occur surrounding the Twister Museum in the heart of town, which houses plenty of rare and unique memorabilia and props. Plus, fans roll out a series of film accurate refits of trucks, cars, and several Dorothys as seen in the movie, along with some real life heavy duty tornado chasing vehicles. All of this takes place in the small town of Wakita, where Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton and the Storm Chasers go to have probably the most mouth watering breakfast in cinema history. And this year could see an increase in awareness and attendance because of the release of twisters in July. Now, needless to say, after having to unexpectedly cancel my trip last year, I am beyond excited for this. Plus, I’m gonna be meeting a couple of great local TikTok content creators for the very first time. Zonato, aka Twister Fanatics is one of the organizers of the Wakita event, and she does a great cosplay as Helen Hunt’s Joe from twister as well. And then there’s Robbie, aka Bo by Rob. She’s an actor, writer, director, voice over artist, hilarious comedian who I’ve actually become great Long distance friends with over the past year. So definitely go check out both of these great content creators right here on TikTok. And, you know, if I’m lucky on this trip to Oklahoma, I might even see some flying cows. Wait, um, maybe that’s not a good thing. I mean, remember what happened to a tractor?