Recipe for Insane Gym Pumps: Creamrise and Protein Powder Power Meal

Cuz you’re looking to get the best pumps in the gym, where your veins are popping and you just have amazing energy, then this right here is gonna be the meal for you. First thing you’re gonna need is a serving size of creamrise, one serving of protein powder, because you gotta get your protein in half a serving of almond butter. But this is what I prefer. You could use peanut butter or even cashew butter and a little dash of cinnamon. But wait, that’s not even it. On top of that, two home style Rice Krispy treats. So if you guys want amazing energy, a great pump where your veins are just gushing through your skin, then I highly recommend you. I’ll try this out and let me know how you guys like it. I have this every single day and it gives me pumps like this. Just trying to put all y’all on. Not to mention you cannot tell me this doesn’t like gas.