The Mystery of the Transforming Liquid: A Tale of Deceptive Drinks

Hey man, this is juice! Thanks a lot. I will share it with my friends. They will be so happy. But wait, this isn’t juice. Hey, give me a glass of that juice too. Man, this isn’t juice. It’s just a plain water. Whatever it is, just give it to me. Woah! Juice! Burn a love. Thanks. May God bless you with happiness. I was so thirsty. Hey, hey listen. Wait, what’s this? This is just a plain water. How did it turn into juice in the jug and glass. Let me taste it. This is just plain water. What’s going on with me? Maybe I should bring my own dishes from home. Maybe then I it’ll turn into juice. If that happens, I will be rich in no time. I’m going to get my dishes right now. I am pouring this water into my glass. But it’s still plain water. How did they do that? I’m going to follow them and find out.